SecureWorld News

Former Director of Operations at U.S. Cyber Command Keynotes at SecureWorld Detroit

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Wed | Aug 30, 2017 | 2:40 PM Z

The Russians allegedly hacked the election, others are stealing our trade secrets, and the North Koreans see cyber as the ultimate asymmetric attack vector against the United States.

So how do you defend the homeland--and the enterprise?

Major General (Ret) Brett Williams has more credibility on this subject than virtually anyone on the planet. And he's delivering the keynote address at SecureWorld Detroit on September 14.

The Major General is the former Director of Operations for U.S. Cyber Command and the former architect of the operational approach to cyberspace operations for the Department of Defense. 

"Two things concern me. First is the proliferation of both tools and human talent.  Capabilities and expertise that were only seen at the nation-state level a few years ago are now readily available at very attainable prices to anyone willing to pay," he says.

"Second, I am concerned about the accelerating threat to critical infrastructure through ICS/SCADA/IoT attacks.  We are working hard to "connect" everything and the bad guys are working just as hard trying to figure out how to attack us."

He believes you can protect your organization from these attack vectors even though you probably have fewer resources than he did while directing U.S. Cyber Command.  

"Managing cyber-risk is fundamentally a leadership challenge.  The technology changes for both the good guys and the bad guys.  Leadership is technology agnostic," he says.

He'll unpack the leadership side of things and share his experiences during his September 14 keynote in the motor city. You can see the complete agenda for SecureWorld Detroit, view attendee levels and then register here for the cybersecurity conference.

And thank you to the SecureWorld Advisory Council members who helped build such a great day of collaboration for their peers.