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By Bidemi Ologunde
Fri | Sep 1, 2023 | 4:15 AM PDT

In the age of rapid technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) stands tall as one of the most influential technologies of our time. But with great power comes great responsibility. Organizations are constantly grappling with how to effectively manage and oversee their AI deployments. However, an even bigger challenge that many face is the lurking threat of "Shadow AI."

Shadow AI refers to AI tools or applications that are used within an organization without explicit approval or oversight. This might be a sales team deploying a chatbot for customer interactions, a financial team using an AI-driven analytics tool, or even an individual employee leveraging AI for personal projects. Regardless of the intention—whether benign or malicious—Shadow AI presents risks ranging from data breaches to skewed business decisions.

The AI policy mirage

At the heart of this challenge, many companies resort to what seems like a straightforward solution: crafting and communicating an AI policy to all employees. The idea is that by laying down clear guidelines and rules, unauthorized AI use will decrease.

However, the real picture isn't that rosy. AI policies, while important, often become just another document in the corporate SharePoint—something employees glance over but seldom internalize. Moreover, such policies can sometimes be too broad or too rigid, making them ineffective in a rapidly changing tech landscape.

Let’s consider a simple scenario: Sarah from the marketing team comes across an AI tool that promises to optimize their online ads. Excited by the prospect, she starts using it, genuinely believing she's acting in the company's best interest. However, the tool isn't sanctioned by the IT department and therefore technically falls under Shadow AI. Would an AI policy have stopped Sarah? Perhaps not, if she believed her actions were benefiting the company.

[RELATED: Why Is Shadow IT a Growing Cybersecurity Risk?]

Monitoring and testing: the realistic approach

While policies lay the groundwork, active monitoring and testing offer a more hands-on approach to identifying unauthorized AI use.

  • AI audits:
    By conducting periodic AI audits, organizations can keep tabs on all the AI tools in use. This involves inventorying all AI applications, checking their sources, and ensuring they're compliant with company guidelines.
  • Network traffic analysis:
    A more technical approach involves analyzing the organization's network traffic. Unsanctioned AI tools often leave unique digital footprints—frequent data transfers, unusual access patterns, or connections to specific servers.
  • Whistleblower mechanisms:
    Employees are an organization's biggest asset. Encouraging them to report any unauthorized AI use through confidential channels can be an effective way to unearth Shadow AI.

The IP block strategy: a double-edged sword

Another idea that’s been floating around is to block or flag users that visit specific IP addresses associated with AI Large Language Models (LLMs) and other AI tools. The logic is simple: prevent access to potential AI sources.

However, this strategy has its pitfalls. For one, it assumes that all visits to these IPs are malicious or unauthorized. Such blanket restrictions can hamper genuine research or innovation. Moreover, tech-savvy individuals can easily bypass such IP blocks using VPNs or other methods, rendering the measure ineffective.


In the ever-evolving world of AI, organizations need to be proactive and flexible. While AI policies serve as a foundational layer, relying solely on them is not the answer. Active monitoring, periodic audits, and encouraging a culture of openness and accountability are crucial in the fight against Shadow AI.

Rather than restricting access or imposing blanket bans, organizations would do well to focus on education and empowerment. After all, when employees understand the risks and rewards of AI, they are better equipped to use it responsibly.
