SecureWorld News

Managers: New Ideas on How AI Will Change Your Role

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Wed | Aug 23, 2017 | 6:07 PM Z

Will you get downsized by AI?

Could a bot somehow manage and track the performance of your team while saving your company a bunch of money?

"As artificial intelligence technology improves, predictions by machines will increasingly take the place of predictions by humans," says a new paper in the MIT-Sloan Review by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua S. Gans, and Avi Goldfarb from the Rotman School of Management in Toronto.  

"Today, many managerial tasks are predictive. Hiring and promoting decisions, for example, are predicated on prediction: Which job applicant is most likely to succeed in a particular role?"

But before you tell your staff you're being downsized by technology, the trio of professors ask you to consider this: your role as a manager may become more valuable if you become skilled at applying AI and its predictive powers.

"Managing in this context will require judgment both in identifying and applying the most useful predictions, and in being able to weigh the relative costs of different types of errors."

You can read the full article for yourself, or perhaps, ask an AI bot powered program to read it to you.

Then again, maybe you don't want bots to get any ideas about their future endeavors!