SecureWorld News

7 New Meltdown and Spectre CPU Attacks to Watch For

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Wed | Nov 14, 2018 | 7:30 PM Z

Once the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities were discovered, it uncorked imaginations and investigations among security researchers.

And now, a report from researchers at several universities and institutes lists seven new Meltdown and Spectre CPU chip vulnerabilities. 

It apparently does not matter much if the chips on your device or your network are made by AMD, Intel, or ARM. 

The report describes the newly-discovered vulnerabilities like this:

"This includes 2 new Meltdown variants: Meltdown-PK on Intel, and Meltdown-BR on Intel and AMD. It also includes 5 new Spectre mistraining strategies. We evaluate all 7 attacks in proof-of-concept implementations on 3 major processor vendors (Intel, AMD, ARM)."

See the complete cybersecurity research report for yourself to evaluate the risk from the new Meltdown and Spectre attack variants: A Systematic Evaluation of Transient Execution Attacks and Defenses.

The researchers say their paper not only reveals a clear picture of the attack surface but also details a systematic evaluation of defenses that can be used.