SecureWorld News

Hit With Ransomware? Intel and Kaspersky Have Teamed Up to Help Victims Fight Back

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Tue | Jul 26, 2016 | 7:51 PM Z

By Courtney Theim
SecureWorld Media


With ransomware on the rise, victims often feel helpless at the threat of paying a fee or losing their data forever. That's why Europol's European Cybercrime Centre and Politie (the Dutch National Police) teamed up with Kaspersky Labs and Intel Security to launch a new website titled No More Ransom!

The site aims to, "disrupt cybercriminal businesses with ransomware connections" with "the goal to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals," according to their mission statement.

A "Crypto Sheriff" form allows you to upload the ransom website and two of your encrypted files and test the coding to see if a solution already exists. The site also has decryption tools designed to unlock your files based on who encrypted them.

Kaspersky Labs and Intel Security have resources outlined on the site to help prevent a ransomware attack, as well as programs designed to identify ransomware and the methods used to infect your computer. The site also advises backing up your files and having a recovery system, and to "trust no one".

Finally, the No More Ransom project has a cybercrime report page for both Europe at the U.S. in order to prevent further attacks. Simply paying the ransom is not recommended, as it doesn't guarantee your files back, and rewards hackers with success and  money.