SecureWorld News

Spotlight on Cybersecurity Leaders: Kip Boyle

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Wed | Nov 2, 2022 | 6:38 PM Z

In the SecureWorld Spotlight Series, we learn about the speakers and Advisory Council members that make our events a success. In Q&A format, they share about their professional journeys, unique experiences, and hopes for the future of cybersecurity—along with some personal anecdotes.

Kip Boyle is the virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) for several companies. He helps senior decision makers overcome cybersecurity sales objections and manages unlimited cyber risks through rigorous prioritization.

He's served as a captain with the F-22 program in the U.S. Air Force. In the private sector, he was a CISO for an insurance company, credit card processor, bank, credit union, and IT Managed Service Provider. He has also succeeded in other IT risk management roles in the financial services, technology, telecom, and logistics industries. He lives in Seattle with his wife and six kids.

Get to know Kip Boyle

Q: Why did you decide to pursue cybersecurity as a career path?
A: I backed into it! When I was on active duty in the Air Force, I was doing IT work for highly classified projects. Once I learned how to do system and data protection, I was hooked. I did a podcast episode on my cyber path:

Q: How would you describe your feelings about cybersecurity in one word?
A: Enabler

Q: What has been your most memorable moment thus far working in cybersecurity?
A: I just got back from a trip to the capital of Kazakhstan where I facilitated a roundtable discussion between government and industry leaders at their annual Digital Bridge Forum. Another highlight was creating and supervising a 24-hour Hackathon.

Q: What encouraged you to join your current organization (employer)?
A: I own a small business called Cyber Risk Opportunities LLC. I founded it in 2015 after realizing I could have a much bigger impact as a CISO for multiple companies instead of just one.

Q: What do you wish more people knew about your organization?
A: We help remove all kinds of cybersecurity blockers for business leaders so they can enjoy the benefits of a thriving company!

Q: If you had to choose, what's the one cybersecurity practice people can adopt that would have the greatest impact?
A: Application control so we can run computers using "allow lists" which would block all software that was not authorized, especially malware.

Q: What is an industry-wide change you would like to see happen in 2023?
A: Our profession should put a higher priority on implementing the controls required by cyber insurance carriers, because they're starting to figure out what really reduces the risk of a major incident.

Q: If you could pass or change one regulation/law in cybersecurity and data protection, what would it be and why?
A: We may need a new federal agency to make the internet less dangerous, similar to how the Environmental Protection Agency protects our waterways.

Q: What are you most looking forward to at SecureWorld this year?
A: Meeting up with smart people that I already know and a few that I don't know yet.

To connect with Kip and other cybersecurity leaders from Washington state, attend the 21st annual SecureWorld Seattle conference on November 9-10, 2022. Kip will present a session on "Cyber Insurance for IT Professionals." See the conference agenda and register here.

Continue to follow our Spotlight Series for more highlights from industry experts.