SecureWorld News

#SWwebcon: From Next-Gen to Future-Ready Endpoint Security

Written by SecureWorld News Team | Thu | Feb 23, 2017 | 5:55 PM Z

You have endpoints scattered all over your network. And those endpoints are being constantly bombarded by ransomware attempts, zero-day exploits, and DDoS attacks.

And yet these threats are constantly evolving and changing. How are you expected to keep up? When do "next-gen" solutions become a thing of the past?

In Wednesday's SecureWorld web conference, industry professionals discussed current and future threats, how to mitigate various attack vectors, and which security layers will give optimal incident response. 

Randy Raw, Director of Information Security for Veterans United Home Loans, says It’s impossible to secure everything, so we need to adopt a risk-based perspective to mitigate attacks instead. 

It's important to access your risk by asking who your endpoints are being used by. Are high-risk users like the CISO or HR department receiving the same level of clearance as the janitor downstairs?

“If the malware never gets to your endpoints, then it doesn’t matter,” says Raw. So what are the points in which malware could slip through your defenses? Are you most prone to phishing attacks? Malicious websites? The ole' USB slip trick? 

By logging workstation traffic, having different privilege levels, and not picking up stray USB sticks in the parking lot, your chances at better protection increase exponentially.  

Wendy Moore, Director of User Protection Solutions for Trend Micro says she isn't a fan of next-gen solutions because in 5 years they are obsolete. Instead, we need to be looking for solutions that are cross-generational in nature.

Every endpoint protection mechanism comes with its own list of pros and cons. Behavioral analysis recognizes and analyzes suspicious behavior, but is CPU intensive. Machine Learning can detect malicious EXE files, but comes with a rate of higher false positives and needs to be trained to locate specific file types.

But by using the right technique at the right time, from a multi-layered approach, you have a much higher chance at success.

The future of endpoint security is smart - it encompasses the past, present, and future. It's optimized and efficient across your network, your enterprise, and your cloud. And finally, it's connected in real-time and communicates with a centralized control system.

To learn more about the health of your endpoint security system, stream SecureWorld's web conference on future-ready endpoint security here.