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Maximizing Zero Trust When Migrating Legacy Apps to Kubernetes

Written by SecureWorld News Team | 12 AM Z

Organizations are migrating legacy applications to modern cloud infrastructure faster than ever before. While cloud infrastructure may be cheaper, easier to manage, and enable organizations to be nimbler, there are inherent security risks to hosting applications in the cloud. Because of this, ensuring Zero Trust principles in cloud native architecture is paramount.

In this Remote Sessions webcast, our cloud security experts will walk through elements of cloud native technology such as trust stores, keystores, service meshes, and certificate managers that are critical to ensuring Zero Trust. We'll use real-world examples of how one migrates an on-prem / datacenter legacy application to a modern architecture deployed in a cloud native environment while maintaining Zero Trust principles.

We will cover:

• Application architectural shifts when migrating from legacy to cloud native

• Managing the lifecycle of machine identities in Kubernetes

• Securing Kubernetes ingresses

• Enabling Mutual Trust (mTLS) in Kubernetes

Attendees are eligible to receive 1 CPE credit.