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Ransomware: Is Your Sensitive Data Protected, or Will You Have to Pay Up?

Written by SecureWorld News Team | 7 PM Z

Are ransomware attacks out of control, or are security teams unprepared? The last two years have certainly seen an uptick in ransomware attacks. However, most organizations forced to pay their cyber bullies are victims of lax security practices. Even with a world health crisis happening, cybercriminals continue to target organizations and extort anywhere from a few hundred dollars to hundreds of thousands, payable in cryptocurrency.

Most companies that find themselves in the crosshairs of a ransomware gang have little hope to come out of it with their bank accounts intact. But not all must pay up or perish. There are means of escaping the dire consequences of these attacks. You must be prepared—but what does that entail? Our panelists will explore some of the ways to help keep your organization, its data, and its people safe from digital extortion.

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