Your personal information is continuously harvested and analyzed by countless data brokers eager to sell to the highest bidder. From your name to your online activities, to your employment details and even your real-time location - all are on the market for anyone interested.

Join us for this webinar with Roger A. Grimes, Data-Driven Security Evangelist at KnowBe4, as he discusses the extensive surveillance enabled by the internet, the risks of your personal data falling into the hands of malicious entities, and methods to protect yourself.

In this session, you will learn:

•  The various ways you are being surveilled, including through "free" GPS-enabled apps you've downloaded
•  How your digital footprint is commodified and utilized by social engineers
•  Techniques to detect signs of surveillance
•  Effective strategies to protect yourself from malicious tracking and defend against the tactics of social engineering
•  Ways to keep your online information safe and protect yourself against malicious scams

Attendees are eligible to receive 1 CPE credit.

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Roger Grimes
Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, KnowBe4

Roger Grimes is a 30-year computer security consultant, instructor, holder of dozens of computer certifications and an award-winning author of 10 books and over 1,000 magazine articles on computer security. He has worked at some of the world’s largest computer security companies, including Foundstone, McAfee and Microsoft. Grimes holds a bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University. He has been the weekly security columnist for InfoWorld and CSO magazines since 2005.

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Tom Bechtold
Digital Events Director, SecureWorld
Tom has been part of the SecureWorld team for over 14 years. He has launched several of the regional conferences we hold today. Tom is currently responsible for SecureWorld Digital, which provides educational content to the SecureWorld audience. He produces, executes, and moderates the majority of the Remote Sessions webcasts while also working closely with the SecureWorld event directors to build relevant agendas at the regional conferences.