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Tune in this week for three informative webcasts with industry experts!

Join us TODAY as we discuss adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks and how to secure your GenAI systems against these emerging threats. On Thursday, take a deep dive on securing non-human identities. And on Friday, get actionable intel on the global threat landscape.

SecureWorld Remote Sessions webcasts are free to attend and offer 1 CPE credit each.
Register for any and all upcoming sessions through one easy form:

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3 Risks Adversarial Machine Learning Pose to Your GenAI System

Tuesday, March 26, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

Business adoption of generative AI is surging, with teams like yours integrating GenAI with corporate documents, databases, and other internal repositories to address domain-specific problems and use cases. But with this accelerated deployment comes a heightened risk profile from several types of adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks, including theft, compromise...

Securing Non-Human Identities: Insights from Recent Breaches

Thursday, March 28, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

Recent security breaches, exemplified by incidents such as Cloudflare's, serve as a stark reminder of the inherent security in unmanaged Non-Human Identities (NHIs), such as service accounts, service principals, tokens, secrets, and keys. These breaches underscore the complex operational hurdles even the most seasoned security teams struggle to...

Cyber Intel Debrief: March 2024

Friday, March 29, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

We'll hear from two experts giving us the State of the World affairs as it relates to cybersecurity. We will cover what is happening NOW in some of the turbulent areas of the world, where we are seeing innovations (good or bad), news about nation-states, threat actors, and so much...

Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Understanding the Essentials and Why It Matters

Tuesday, April 2, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

In reaction to the increasing potential of threat actors unaffected by the current state of security measures and vulnerability management tools yielding "rarely actioned reports and long lists of generic remediations" as the attack surface continues to expand, Gartner has suggested a new program: Continuous Threat Exposure Management. CTEM is designed to help...

Special Series: The Convergence of AI and Cybersecurity

April 4, April 18, and March 21, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

We are excited to bring you a new webcast series in partnership with the team at Abnormal Security. This three-part series will get you up to speed on Generative AI, the crimes profiting from it, and how CISOs and security leaders can use it effectively. No marketing jargon in these sessions! Part 1 covers Exploring the Cybercrime Underworld: A Deep Dive into FraudGPT...

Hacking the Hacker: Assessing and Addressing Your Org's Cyber Defense Weaknesses

Tuesday, April 9, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

Cybercriminals are out there, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity. They are gathering information about your organization and users, devising the perfect plan to infiltrate your defenses. But with a strategic approach to cyber defense, you can hack the hacker before they strike! In this session, we'll share insights into their strategies and...

Ask a Lawyer! Law, Cyber, and Privacy Concerns for 2024, Part 2

Thursday, April 11, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Details

In an age defined by rapid technological advancements, legal landscapes are continually evolving to address new challenges in the cybersecurity realm. Understanding the intersection of law, cybersecurity, and privacy has never been more critical. Join us for a thought-provoking panel, where legal experts will shed light on the emerging... 

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See our full library of past webcasts, available to watch on-demand: